A Stellar Performance at the Circuit des Ardennes

A Stellar Performance at the Circuit des Ardennes

In the fiercely competitive arena of cycling, the Circuit des Ardennes often emerges as a litmus test for the strength, strategy, and synergy of participating teams. This year, Team Visma | Lease a Bike Development showcased an outstanding performance, solidifying their reputation as a formidable force in the cycling world.

Graat Secures Third Place

Tijmen Graat, a promising talent within the team, finished third overall in the Circuit des Ardennes, marking a significant milestone in his career. Despite aiming for a higher podium finish, Graat expressed contentment with his result, acknowledging the superior performance of two other competitors. "I can be satisfied with this. Of course, you hope for more and do everything you can to move up another place, but unfortunately, this was it. Two men were simply stronger," Graat reflected on his performance.

Team Triumph

The team not only celebrated Graat's individual success but also clinched the coveted best team award. This accolade is a testament to the collective effort and strategic prowess displayed by the team throughout the competition. From the outset, the team was clear about their goal to defend Graat's position in the overall standings, with prominent contributions from teammates Jed Smithson, Morten Nørtoft, and Tom Schellekens. Matthew Brennan, another key team member, did not start the final stage due to fitness concerns, highlighting the tough physical demands of the race and the strategic decisions teams must often make.

Final Stage Strategy

Graat's performance in the final stage was crucial for securing his third-place overall. He finished eighth in the stage, a result that underscored the team's hard work and Graat's resilience. "The goal was to finish as good as possible in every stage, and that worked out well. The boys did a great race," lauded Sierk-Jan de Haan, reflecting on the team's strategy and execution. One of the linchpins in the final stage was Tom Schellekens, whose efforts were instrumental in countering attacks and ensuring Graat was well-positioned. De Haan elaborated on the tactic, saying, "Today we did everything we could to secure Tijmen's third place. We knew it was going to be difficult because Tijmen specializes more in longer climbs. This was a course where you had to accelerate a lot."

Graat's Climbing Prowess and Ambitions

Graat, known for his preference for longer climbs, found the Circuit des Ardennes to be a challenging yet rewarding experience. "I ESPECIALLY LIKE THE LONGER CLIMBS," Graat shared, emphasizing his affinity for enduring climbs. The circuit presented an opportunity for Graat to harness his strengths and work on areas of improvement such as positioning and climbing efficiency. "We chose this race to challenge me. Here I learn to position, ride better corners, and climb better. Besides, I really liked going for my own chance," Graat elaborated on the team's strategy and his personal ambitions. This sentiment is indicative of a racer keen on developing his skills and seizing opportunities to lead.

Praise from the Coach

Sierk-Jan de Haan, clearly proud of the team's achievements, praised their performance. Underlining the significance of teamwork, strategy, and individual effort, De Haan's comments reflect a successful outing for Team Visma | Lease a Bike Development at the Circuit des Ardennes. "As a team, we were very strong, and it's fantastic that it was rewarded with the team classification," De Haan remarked, highlighting the cohesive unit's hard work and synergy.


The Circuit des Ardennes has once again proven to be a battleground for showcasing cycling prowess, strategic acumen, and team spirit. Team Visma | Lease a Bike Development's performance, punctuated by Tijmen Graat's third-place finish and the collective triumph in the team classification, underlines the depth of talent and determination within the squad. With such a promising display, the team sets its sights on future challenges, ready to further their impact in the world of professional cycling.